Human Benchmark

Challenge your mind with quick, fun
exercises that enhance your
cognitive abilities.

Reaction Time Test

Test how fast you can respond
to a visual stimulus with a
simple click

Sequence Memory Test

Remember an increasingly
long pattern of button

Aim Trainer Test

Sharpen your accuracy by
quickly hitting targets as
they appear

Number Memory Test

Challenge yourself to
remember and reproduce
long sequences of numbers

Verbal Memory Test

Remember words and recall
whether you’ve seen them

Chimp Test

Mimic a chimp’s ability to
remember the location of

Visual Memory Test

Test your capacity to
recall previously seen
visual patterns

Typing Test

Measure your typing speed
and accuracy under

Over the years, human benchmark tools have provided insight into the capacities and constraints of computers and robots. However, there has never been a proper set of specific standards even for the species considered to be the most evolved—humankind. Occasionally, a couple of memory tests have been developed. Still, an extensive set of tests for human intelligence has never been available.
Today, we are pleased to introduce the first matched set of human benchmark tools for the magnificent species, which originated to recast the benchmarking and further optimize the human brain. With seven more tools that have been thought out and designed to perfection, that’s where your brain starts and where we are here to find out. The teams of psychologists managed to elaborate each test so that it could influence some aspects of the human brain; therefore, each test opens considerable possibilities for every learner’s transformation.
Civilization has always advanced from the function that transcends the average human ability, from learning the use of spears and axes to controlling fire. Our journey is far from over, and now we have a new frontier, guess what? Human excellence. Let’s begin this experience with Reaction Time, an on-screen test of how fast your reflexes are.
The initial score might shock you, but the scores will go up with some effort. Then, proceed to do the basic memory sequencing test by which you provide successive patterns, and you are asked to recall as a measure of your memory. Next, check the available checkers, including aim trainer, number memory, chimp memory, visual memory, and others. Each one is intended to stimulate different brain parts and stimulate new ideas on how to solve each task set. Moving through the levels, you will think quicker, more keenly and in greater detail.
A modern example would be Albert Einstein, whose IQ was approximately 160, long past the current average of 99. Consider the possibilities of improving an intellectual level if everyone approaches their brains more intensely. Civilization gave us luxuries through the Industrial Revolution, but what could it do to our brains other than weaken them? Today, using the human benchmark tools described here, let us relight the fire of mental momentum.
Strive to achieve—and perhaps go beyond—what any other brilliant human mind in history has achieved. Start off with our tests and discover the best that your brain has to offer. Let’s expand the capabilities of the human brain!

What are the benefits of benchmark tests

Human benchmark is not just an ordinary game to play. Rather, it increases your brain’s ability to focus and react quickly. It’s a fun factor to play, so it also releases your stress level to normal.

Measure Cognitive Skills

Standard gadgets give a physical measure of mental aptitudes, including memory and speed. Such help to people comes in useful in helping them learn about their present assets.

Boost Brain Function

These tools might help develop and improve brain functions, as working with these instruments requires different skills. This continues to act in a way as to keep the mind engaged and ready.

Track Personal Growth

As you apply them in learning and assessments during your learning process, you can assess your progress and be encouraged to strive to do better and do it consistently.

Encourage Healthy Competition

One of the uses of benchmarking is the comparison that the users can have with others to order feeling and feasibility of competition on a friendly basis and also to set personal goals.

Enhance Problem-Solving Skills

Hinging on slight variations of intelligence, benchmark tools are useful in boosting the thinking and problem-solving aspects of the human brain, which are employed in daily.


What is the human benchmark test?

The human benchmark test is a web-based platform that offers various tests to examine human abilities.

How to reset human benchmarks?

You can reset human benchmarks in many ways, like; by making a new account, deleting your browser account, using private mode and clearing cookies.

What does percentile mean in the human benchmark?

Percentile means percentage in the human benchmark. It compares your performance with others.

How many people have taken the human benchmark test?

Since this test was launched, approximately 80 million people have taken the benchmark test.

How powerful is your brain's human benchmark?

The human brain is very powerful; it can store trillions of bytes of knowledge.

Is human benchmarking a way to improve brain function?

Yes, the human benchmark is a way to improve the functioning of your brain. It trains your brain and sequences your memory.

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